Drawing Toast


We as educators focus so much on the written word we often forget that the first written language was not letters for drawings. There is something visceral about seeing a drawing or icon and knowing exactly what the author was trying to convey without reading a word.

As a child and though my college years I drew a lot but for the past 20 years in my adulthood I’ve stopped art making almost entirely. It’s not because I did not enjoy it but rather other priorities took up my time. As all skills drawing and art must be practiced regularly if one wants to be skilled in that craft. Taking this course has opened my eyes to the visual aspects of my instruction that I have too often put to the side.

This Toaster drawing is probably just as effective if not more effective as an instructional model than any written directions I could have made. Not only can it easy be understood by anyone who’s seen a toaster and bread but also people who do not read or speak English. Drawing and art are universal languages that touch deep into what it means to be a human. We are the only species on this planet able to use symbolic thinking. We use words and drawing to convey meaning and I feel that art is at the root of what makes us human.